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Masato Ohashi

Masato Ohashi is a Professor at the Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University, established in April 2022 through the merger of Osaka Prefecture University and Osaka City University. A graduate of the School of Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1998, he completed his doctorate degree in engineering under the supervision of Prof. H. Suzuki at the Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. In 2003 he moved to Osaka as a JST post-doctoral research fellow to work with Prof. K. Mashima at Osaka University. After serving as a Humboldt research fellow with Prof. J. Okuda at RWTH-Aachen, Germany, he joined the Prof. Ogoshi research group as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University in 2007. After 11 years of collaborations with Prof. Ogoshi, he became a professor at the Graduate School of Science, Osaka Prefecture University in 2019. He was selected as a 2012 Organometallics Fellow from the American Chemical Society Journal Organometallics. His research interests include currently transition-metal catalyzed transformation reactions of olganofluorine compounds as well as their mechanistic investigation.