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Guidelines for presenting

IMPORTANT: To ensure the proper execution of this onsite conference, please pay special attention to the instructions below. If you have any questions or difficulties following the guidelines, please contact the ISFC ISoFT Secretariat who will be happy to help.


The conference will take place in Québec at the Quebec city Convention Centre.

All onsite presentations, Plenary, Oral and Poster presentations, will be presented live from the Quebec Convention Centre as scheduled in the online conference program. Speakers will be present for their entire session in order to answer questions and participate in any discussions.

A chairperson will moderate each session. The session’s chairperson will then select questions from the attendees, depending on the time allocated for the discussion, and the presenter will be able to answer verbally during the session.

Onsite Oral presentations

All Contributed Oral presentations will be 20 minutes total, including 3 minutes for questions.

All Keynote Session Oral presentations will be 45 minutes total, including 5 minutes for questions.

We recommend that presentations be in a WIDESCREEN format as it is the optimized format, but other options will be accepted. To take full advantage of the widescreen format, we recommend that you build or convert your presentation to 16:9. We recommend using Microsoft Office PowerPoint for your presentation. 

Speaker Ready Room (Registration Desk)

All speakers are required to check in at the Speaker Ready Desk to upload their presentation at least 1 hour before the start of their session. The Speaker Ready Desk will be open from July 23 to 28, and the staff will be available to answer your questions and help you upload your presentation from your USB memory stick. 
If your presentation includes video files, further to uploading it at the Speaker Ready Desk, please use a health or lunch break at least 30 minutes before the start of your session to go to the session room where your lecture will take place to make sure that it will run smoothly on the conference computers.

Onsite Poster Presentation 

The ISFc-ISoFT Conference poster sessions will be held in the room 2000BC, the same as the Exhibitor room.  
Poster sessions provide an opportunity for informal, interactive presentations and discussions. 

Each presenting author will receive a schedule and a poster code by e-mail. Each author will have access to 1/2 side of a poster board, and each will have a useable area measuring 40" (102 cm) high and 36" (91 cm) wide. Poster materials should not extend outside the assigned area. A label indicating your number will be placed on the top of your board space.

Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract. Simple "Introduction" and "Conclusion" sections are helpful. When feasible, use graphs for depicting qualitative relationships and tables for precise numerical values. Technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. 

Presenters are required to be at their posters during the scheduled session.

Presenters are responsible for the setting up and the removal of their posters according to the schedule: 
Setup: Monday July 24, between 8am and 5pm. 
Removal: Thursday, July 27, during the day.

Posters not removed by that time will be discarded. The ISFC-ISoFT Conference cannot accept liability for lost or damaged posters.


Print your poster locally?

The best option if you want to print your poster in Québec City is Planète Multi-Services on Avenue Cartier, which is a 15-minute walk from the Convention Centre, but in a nice area to visit at the same time!
Monday to Friday -  10:00 to 17:30
TÉL.: 418 523-3793
They are used to print scientific posters, and I they can print on a short notice. They are closed on the weekend though. You can order online.